The ability to self-report collisions is the main function of the province’s Collision Reporting Centres. Drivers involved in collisions causing property damage are required to report the incident to the Reporting Centre within twenty-four hours. Here, a police officer will inspect the vehicle for damage and complete a report.
During this visit, the driver will also complete a simplified government collision report form, which is also checked by the police officer. Once completed, drivers are able to make use of the insurance services offered at the Centres, and insurance providers can be contacted by phone at the site. This process allows for the timely reporting of the collision to the insurance provider and an early resolution of the claim process.
This simplified process is a service offered to the driving public so that property damage collisions are handled in an efficient manner with more consideration given to the driver and the time restraints on a busy population.
Before going to a Collision Reporting Centre it is important to:
Move vehicles from the roadway if it is safe to do so.
Call the police to ensure their presence is not required and to get the location of the closest Collision Reporting Centre.
Exchange information with the other motorists involved, including independent witnesses. This information should include names, addresses, phone numbers, insurance companies and vehicle details.
Bring your vehicle to the closest Collision Reporting Centre as soon as possible.
When visiting the Reporting Centre, bring all documentation with you, including your driver’s license, ownership and insurance.
If you’re wondering when you should go to a Collision Reporting Centre, any driver involved in a collision where damage to vehicles or property is more than $1,000 should go. When one or more of the following situations apply, police will come to the scene.
Collisions involving injury or death
Criminal activity such as impaired driving, stolen vehicle or assault is involved in the collision
Collisions involving federal, provincial or municipal vehicles, transit vehicles included
Collisions involving an uninsured or suspended driver
Collisions involving vehicles transporting dangerous goods
Collisions involving damage to private, municipal or highway property
All information is courtesy of the Ministry of Transportation – Ontario. Or visit the Collision Reporting Centre for York Region.